Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Theorem 10.1 : Equal chords of a circle subtend equal angles at the centre.
Proof : You are given two equal chords AB and CD
of a circle with centre O . You want
to prove that ∠ AOB = ∠ COD.
In triangles AOB and COD,
OA = OC (Radii of a circle)
OB = OD (Radii of a circle)
AB = CD (Given)
Therefore, ∆ AOB ≅ ∆ COD (SSS rule)
This gives ∠ AOB = ∠ COD
               (Corresponding parts of congruent triangles) „
Theorem 10.2 : If the angles subtended by the chords of a circle at the centre
are equal, then the chords are equal.
The above theorem is the converse of the Theorem 10.1.
if you take ∠ AOB = ∠ COD, then
           ∆ AOB ≅ ∆ COD (Why?)
Can you now see that AB = CD?
Theorem 10.2 : If the angles subtended by the chords of a circle at the centre
are equal, then the chords are equal.
The above theorem is the converse of the Theorem 10.1. 
if you take ∠ AOB = ∠ COD, then
           ∆ AOB ≅ ∆ COD (Why?)
Can you now see that AB = CD?

Theorem 10.3 : The perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects
the chord.
What is the converse of this theorem? To write this, first let us be clear what is
assumed in Theorem 10.3 and what is proved. Given that the perpendicular from the
centre of a circle to a chord is drawn and to prove that it bisects the chord. Thus in the
converse, what the hypothesis is ‘if a line from the centre bisects a chord of a
circle’ and what is to be proved is ‘the line is perpendicular to the chord’. So the
converse is:
Theorem 10.4 : The line drawn through the centre of a circle to bisect a chord is
perpendicular to the chord.
Is this true? Try it for few cases and see. You will
see that it is true for these cases. See if it is true, in
general, by doing the following exercise. We will write
the stages and you give the reasons.
Let AB be a chord of a circle with centre O and
O is joined to the mid-point M of AB. You have to
p r o v e   t h a t   O M   ⊥ A B .   J o i n   O A  a n d   O B
(see Fig. 10.16). In triangles OAM and OBM,
OA = OB (Why ?)
AM = BM (Why ?)
OM = OM (Common)
Therefore, ∆OAM  ≅ ∆OBM (How ?)
This gives ∠OMA = ∠OMB = 90°    (Why ?)
Theorem 10.5 : There is one and only one circle passing through three given
non-collinear points
Theorem 10.6 : Equal chords of a circle (or of congruent circles) are equidistant
from the centre  (or centres).
Next, it will be seen whether the converse of this theorem is true or not. For this,
draw a circle with centre O. From the centre O, draw two line segments OL and OM
of equal length and lying inside the circle  Then draw chords PQ
and RS of the circle perpendicular to OL and OM respectively 
Measure the lengths of PQ and RS. Are these different? No, both are equal. Repeat
the activity for more equal line segments and drawing the chords perpendicular to them. This verifies the converse of the Theorem 10.6 which is stated as follows:
Theorem 10.7 : Chords equidistant from the centre of a circle are equal in
We now take an example to illustrate the use of the above results:
Theorem 10.8 : The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle
subtended by it at any point on the remaining part of the circle.
Proof : Given an arc PQ of a circle subtending angles POQ at the centre O and
PAQ at a point A on the remaining part of the circle. We need to prove that
∠ POQ = 2 ∠ PAQ

Consider the three different cases as  In (i), arc PQ is minor; in (ii),
arc PQ is a semicircle and in (iii), arc PQ is major.
Let us begin by joining AO and extending it to a point B.
In all the cases,
∠ BOQ = ∠ OAQ + ∠ AQO
because an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite
Theorem 10.9 : Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
Again let us discuss the case (ii) of Theorem 10.8 separately. Here ∠PAQ is an angle
in the segment, which is a semicircle. Also, ∠ PAQ = 1/2∠ POQ = 1/2× 180° = 90°.
If you take any other point C on the semicircle, again you get that
∠ PCQ = 90°
Therefore, you find another property of the circle as:
Angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
The converse of Theorem 10.9 is also true. It can be stated as:
Theorem 10.10 : If a line segment joining two points subtends equal angles at
two other points lying on the same side of the line containing the line segment,
the four points lie on a circle  (i.e. they are concyclic).You can see the truth of this result as follows:
In Fig. 10.30, AB is a line segment, which subtends equal angles at two points C and
D. That is∠ ACB = ∠ ADB
To show that the points A, B, C and D lie on a circle
let us draw a circle through the points A, C and B.
Suppose it does not pass through the point D. Then it
will intersect AD (or extended AD) at a point, say E
(or E′).
If points A, C, E and B lie on a circle,
∠ ACB = ∠ AEB (Why?)
But it is given that ∠ ACB = ∠ ADB.
Therefore, ∠ AEB = ∠ ADB.
This is not possible unless E coincides with D. (Why?)
Similarly, E′ should also coincide with D.
10.8 Cyclic Quadrilaterals
A quadrilateral ABCD is called cyclic if all the four vertices
of it lie on a circle .You will find a peculiar
property in such quadrilaterals. Draw several cyclic
quadrilaterals of different sides and name each of these
as ABCD. 

T h e o r e m   1 0 . 11   : T h e   s u m   o f   e i t h e r   p a i r   o f   o p p o s i t e   a n g l e s   o f   a   c y c l i c
quadrilateral is  180º.
In fact, the converse of this theorem, which is stated below is also true.
Theorem 10.12 : If the sum of a pair of opposite angles of a quadrilateral is
180º, the quadrilateral is cyclic.
You can see the truth of this theorem by following a method similar to the method
adopted for Theorem 10.10.


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